Smart digital trip logbook
Mileage tracker app / 12-month engagement

About the project
AutoLogg is a smart digital trip logbook that automatically tracks car trips and generates tax-office-compliant reports. The app is a time-saving alternative to conventional, paper-based logbooks.
Product features
Assigning trip’s purpose
The app automatically tracks each trip and allows users to manage and categorize trips as either personal or business-related. The solution offers a lot of flexibility, it’s possible to assign part of the trip as business and part as personal and link the trips together.
Automated assistance
Based on the user’s previous trips, the app's algorithm can assign a trip's purpose automatically, leaving the user the possibility to edit the journey’s details. In case of any issues like lost connectivity, the solution suggests the users optimal solutions fix the gap trips.
Generate reports
The app is audit-proof, the user can generate a report within just a few clicks and send it to the tax office right from the app.
Fleet functionality for corporate clients
The app has a fleet feature that caters to companies with numerous drivers and vehicles. Rich admin functionality allows to manage users and roles, assign vehicles and trips, spot issues with cars, and generate multiple reports.
Cross-device compatibility
Users can easily edit their journeys and work with the app on smartphones, tablets, or PC.
Software Engineering
UX/UI design
Mobile: Flutter, BLoC
Data: GraphQL, REST, PostgreSQL
Cloud: AWS, Azure
Product Team
1 engineer (full-time)
1 designer (hourly)
1 Product Manager (hourly)

The process
We started with creating an interactive Figma clickthrough design, where we introduced the new look and feel for the app. Our goal was not just to reproduce the app in the improved UI, but to rethink its functionality, make it more intuitive and efficient. It took us one week to come up with a design concept that was accepted by the client from the first iteration. Afterward, we created screens for all app’s features ensuring design consistency. We worked in sprints, with regular demos with the client.
The client was looking to rebuild the user interface of the app, make it modern, more appealing, and intuitive. During several discovery sessions with the project stakeholders, we determined technical and business requirements. The scope was divided into two logical parts: UI/UX design and its implementation using Flutter.
​Once we had the first designs in place, our Flutter engineer started implementing them in the app. Working independently, but in close communication with the client’s in-house backend team, we gradually delivered the new modern app.